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Things To Do in Your Apartment Before Going on Vacation
   by Nina Tambal  •  Apr 18, 2019  •  General
‘Tis the season to go on vacation!

Summer is officially upon us (the heat loves to prove this more than it should) in the Philippines, as well as the Holy Week.

Whether it's for a long period of time or a quick break, embarking on the ultimate getaway benefits us more than we can imagine, both mentally and physically.

But before getting carried away with the joy of going on a holiday, here's a little checklist of things to do in and around your condo.

1. Inform your landlord
More often than not, you will have pre-vacation procedures in your lease.

Go through your contract and give your landlord a head's up on your dates of departure and arrival.

Assure them that you will take care of your utilities in advance. Especially if you're going to be gone for a substantial amount of time.

This is because in some contracts, the landlord can claim the property as abandoned if you are unable to pay your utilities for an extended period of time and are not occupying the apartment.

In case of emergencies, you can also give your contact info to your landlord.

But do state that you will have limited access to emails and calls. It is your vacation after all and you're supposed to keep it worry-free.

2. Arrange pet care and a house sitter
You don't have to pay a stranger in order to get a proper house sitter.

You can ask a close friend or any member of your family to check the house out once in a while. Just to make sure that the house plants are not dying and to create the illusion that you're constantly there.

No one can deny that you are at the risk of burglary when you're not at home. So, try to have someone stop by your condo once a day.

Which brings me to pet care. If you've got a pet that's going to need a temporary home while you're away, don't forget to leave them with someone you absolutely trust.

Also, do create a detailed list of your pet's meals and medication (if needed) and give it to their guardian.

3. Settle your parking situation
If you've got a car and it's coming with you during your vacation, this particular item on the list does not apply to you.

On the other hand, if your car is staying in the parking lot of your condominium, there are a few things you need to settle.

The first step is pretty easy and that is taking all of your valuables out of the vehicle, rolling the windows up, and of course locking the doors.

The next step is finding an “out-of-the-way” parking space for your car. If you pay for your parking spot monthly, then there's no need to go through this.

But if the parking lot in your building or area has a first come first serve unspoken policy, then it would be best to park your car that's more secluded and doesn't get in the way of others.

People who live in the same vicinity as you may need a prime parking spot.

4. Secure your door and all your windows
This particular item on the checklist is pretty basic, but highly important.

You have to ensure on the day that you leave that all your windows are shut tight and your front door is locked.

Because again, you're at the risk of burglary when you're not present in the house.

Personally, I wouldn't want to add this burden to my house sitter, because assuring that your condo is secure is your responsibility.

But for your peace of mind, it wouldn't hurt to ask your house sitter to double check your place when they visit it. Just that one task can make all the difference.

5. Clean and prepare for your return
As a messy and fairly lazy person, this is the most tedious item on the list. Which is probably why I placed it last.

But there's nothing more annoying than coming back to a messy home. Plus, cleaning before you depart will help prevent bacteria from growing and spreading in your apartment.

Everything from garbage and food scraps to half-finished laundry and dust. These are some of the things you need to take care of.

Scrub all your sinks and toilets, vacuum or sweep the rooms, take out the trash, wash and put away the dishes, wipe down your counters and desks, and last but not least, eat or get rid of any perishable food.

Don't forget to unplug electronics that don't need to run when you're gone as well. This will help keep your electric bill down.

And if you still have enough energy and time, you can also set aside a frozen meal for yourself that you can easily heat up when you get back.

Or if you're going to be working the next day after you arrive, fix your office bag ahead of time so you don't have to worry about it anymore.

Trust me, you'll thank yourself for putting all that hard work to use when you come back after the trip.

Final thoughts
Once you've checked all the items above that apply to you, you're more than good to go. This way, you will have a completely worry- and stress-free vacation!

Bon Voyage!

Image credit: Anete Lusina on Unsplash.com

Comments  💬
Mary Claire Cruz

Noel Opalalic
noted ,thanks


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